Friday, April 27, 2012

The End... and The Beginning.

Here I sit,  2:20 pm on my last Friday as a student teacher. Looking around this empty classroom, my heart and mind are overwhelmed with emotion; sadness, excitement, and contentment are all appropriate ways to describe how I'm feeling.  All of the things that I expected student teaching to be, it was... and so much more. 

Early mornings, late nights spent grading, endless cups of coffee, and lesson plans galore.  These are the things that I expected my student teaching experience to be filled with- and, don't get me wrong, it was.  But, what I didn't expect was the joy, the countless laughs, or the amazing mentors I would be blessed with.  I find it hard to hold back my emotions when I think that this experience is about to be wrapped up in a neat little box and filed away in some vast compartment of my brain as one of those "Life Experiences."

I was placed in a 7th grade Language Arts classroom at a middle school in a suburban area for 17 weeks.... 17 weeks that felt like two.  I have dealt with cat fights, attitude problems, many many tears, and "I hate Miss Meltzer" written on desks (okay, that only happened once, but I'll never forget it!).  But, I have so many positive moments to cling to as well.  I have recieved multiple "Thank you, Ms. Meltzer" notes, drawings from budding artists, compliments on my hair or clothes, and the very best has been when I look out at my students and see excitement on their faces to be learning. 

I was placed in a wonderful Master Teacher's classroom.  Mrs. J is someone who I was able to recognize from day one as a teacher that I would love to be like.  The first day I observed her classroom, I was able to see how much the students liked and respected her, how passionate she was about education and what a great attitude she had about teaching and life in general.  She has been such an inspiration to me and I feel blessed to have had her as my mentor.  She has been very generous with praises and suggestions and really given me the opportunity to spread my wings and discover my own teaching style.

I'm leaving this experience so inspired, so determined to be the best teacher I can.  I have fallen head over heels in love with this career and feel so blessed that I get to do this for the rest of my life.  I have been touched in so many ways by each of these students and I will never forget how hearing them say, "Have a great weekend, Ms. Meltzer!" felt as they walked out the door today. 

This is truly the end of one chapter of my life... but the beginning of so much more.

I have accepted a middle school teaching position in a small Minnesotan town as a Langauge Arts teacher.  I will be moving in just over three months and "setting up shop," so to speak, in my new classroom.  I'm excited to share this journey with family and friends using Love, Inspire, Teach!

Ms. M

"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." - Author Unknown