Saturday, September 15, 2012

Classroom Tour

Well, we have been in school now for just over three weeks, and I still haven't posted pictures of my classroom.  Let's just say that this was not an accident.  I have been so busy, that I feel like I haven't really brought my classroom up to my standards yet. I have plans to completely rearrange already because I don't like where my desk is, but there are some obstacles in my way.  (like the fact that I can't lift the desk or file cabinets by myself...) Anyway, I have been hounded to post a few pictures of what it looks like so far, so here ya go.

This is what it looks like facing the front of my room.  This picture was taken while I was still setting up the classroom so I didn't have anything on the big bulletin board yet.  For those of you who don't know what the big white thing next to the bulletin board is, that is my SMART board. The bulletin board is what I'm going to use for content specific posters.  Right now, it has the writing process on it (You know, Prewriting, Writing, Editing/Revising, Proof Reading, and Publishing) because a few of my classes are working on some pretty cool writing assignments. (Which I'm sure I'll brag about later!)
This is what I (used to) look at while I am standing in the front of the class teaching.  I have since changed it so that there is group seating instead of rows.  I'm not sure how long that will last since the temptation to chat with your neighbor is apparently too much for most of my students to handle. :) ALSO, I'm having a heck of a time getting things to stay on my walls.  They are brick walls, and no matter what I've used so far, (command strips, poster putty, scotch strips), my posters keep falling off the walls.  This is not the best situation since if they fall off after the school is locked up, it sets of the alarm... woops.  Does anyone have any ideas??

This is the big white board that takes up almost a full wall of my classroom. The area on the left side where it says "Agenda" is where I write the daily activities and homework for each of my classes.  The students really like this, as I'm the only teacher who does it.  They say it makes it much easier for them to know what to write in their own agendas, which they are required to fill out.
And lastly, I have this monstrous book shelf in my room (to the left of the desks). It was placed over a huge bulletin board, so just a section of the bulletin board shows over the top.  Of course, I had to make this Charlie Brown themed because I have a huge soft spot for Charlie Brown.  I put the words "Keep on Trying" above because Charlie Brown never gives up... even when it seems that all hope is lost.  I explained this to my kids on one of the first days of school, and they think it's funny how much I like Charlie Brown.  Some days, I start class off with a comic strip and they enjoy that, too.

AND, if you didn't know, I am also the librarian at my school, so I've been spending a lot of time sprucing up the library.  Look for pictures of some of the fun projects I've been working on in a future post!

Ms. M

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.”- Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown's Little Book of Wisdom